Lang Ay Festival Definition
The official page of the Provincial Government for the promotion of Lang-ay Festival. Aside from the biggest patupat some 5000 pieces of regular patupat will also be prepared by the organizers for those attending the provinces 50 th golden anniversary on April 7 2017 and the Lang-ay festival the following day. Mountain Province Celebrates Lang Ay Festival Abs Cbn News This years Lang-ay Festival which is now on its 15th year runs from April 1 to 7 with the highlight of the festival on April 6. Lang ay festival definition . The festival also coincides with the foundation anniversary of the province every first week of April. A modification of yea or from the interjection of admiration or astonishment OE. When someone invites you for a Lang-ay there is no excuse not to go for everyone has something to share. This festival has the purpose of promoting the identity heritage and customs and traditions of the indigenous people of the province of Ilocos Sur. 04062015 Its their wa...